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SD Card Data Recovery

SD Card Data Recovery

If you are trying to recover data that has been lost from your SD card data recovery, there are certain methods you can try to get the files back. From lost photos to corrupted memory files, there are programs and techniques that can be used to restore the information. 

Getting Back Photos

Accidental deletion or formatting the SD card before recovering the files can be pretty bad if you have not backed them up. Photos can be lost for the following reasons.

Accidental deletion or formatting

Corruption of files

Compatibility issues

Virus or malware attack

Physical damage to the SD card 

In the case of accidental deletion, you stand the best chance of getting your photos back. This is because the file is usually still present on the SD card, it’s just not accessible through normal means. An SD recovery software program allows for retrieval of files, including photos, without damaging the data on the SD card data recovery. You can find both free and paid versions online, but even some of the paid version have a free trial to help you get back some of your photos.

Using Free or Paid Software

You should choose a reputable recovery software program and download it to your computer. For files that have been accidentally deleted, you should do the following steps once you have downloaded and installed the recovery program. Beware of software and read this first before downloading any softwares.

Connect SD card to your computer

Launch recovery program & choose “Recover Files”

Select SD card as the target

Software will scan the SD card

Recover the photos that the program has discovered 

It generally works the same for files that have been lost due to formatting. There may be some differences depending on the program that you choose. The same is true for corrupted files, although depending on the level of corruption the software program may be less successful. Again, check the software recovery program that you have downloaded for further information. 

A good rule of thumb is to always copy and paste photos from your SD card to your computer, external drive, or online storage when you get the chance. But if something happens to the files before you can back them up, there are software programs that may help. 

Professional Assistance

For photos and data that has been lost due to virus or malware attack, corruption of the files, or physical damage to the card, then the free and paid software programs found online may not be enough. You will need to turn to another source to get them back. 

If the files you have lost are vital to your business or personal life, then contacting a professional SD card data recovery service is the best answer. They have the knowledge, experience, and tools to do the job. A reputable data recovery company offers the best chance to recover your lost photos, files, and data. Although no company can guarantee 100% recovery, the best chance you have of getting back your files starts with the professionals. 

Hard Drive Failure, Hard Drive Recovery NYC

Hard Drive Failure, Hard Drive Recovery NYC

One of the most common issues that computers and laptops face is hard drive failure and needing hard drive recovery NYC. While it is quite frustrating, it is also one of the easiest to identify. If you believe your hard drive has failed, shut off the system and contact a professional data recovery NYC service. All data recovery services offer free consultation which means you can get an idea of what might be troubling the hard drive. 

While you probably will have to take the hard drive to the recovery service shop, if your hard drive has yet to fail there are ways to spot trouble on the horizon. It helps to know the specific reasons why hard drives tends to fail, the warning signs that precede a potential failure, and what to do before it crashes so you don’t need hard drive recovery NYC


A hard drive disk (HDD) works on a spindle and platter which is similar to an old-fashioned record player. Because the HDD consists of moving parts, at some point all hard drives will fail or require replacement of the parts. The same is true for solid state drives (SSD) which uses an electrical cell to store memory. Both the HDD and SSD can fail for the same reason.

Mechanical Failure: While the HDD can wear our or lose precision thanks to heavy use or its age, the SSD can also fail when the blocks used to store the memory wear out as well. Other common causes of failure include but are not limited to the following. 

Too Much Heat

Exposure to Water 

Static Electricity, Power Surge, or Lightning


High Magnetic Fields 

Keep in mind that external hard drives can also fail for the same reasons. While they are generally built to be tougher because they are exposed, they can also fail due to impact, water exposure, or too much power going through the system. 

Warning Signs

If you do not have a SMART system to warn you of the hard drive about ready to collapse, there are other warning signs as well. 

Crashing Computer: It will show the proverbial “Blue Screen of Death”

Error Messages: Usually when moving or copying files

Missing Files: Often for no discernable reason

Long Access Time: It takes forever to find a file

Unusual Noise: Grinding, scraping, or clicking noises are quite common

What to Do

If your computer experiences any of these symptoms, you need to shut it down right away. This is especially true if the computer has not crashed yet. It’s considerably easier to get the hard drive fixed and retrieve the information before it crashes rather than afterwards. However, a good data recovery service will be able to get the information from the hard drive under most circumstances.

The best thing you can do is back up the information on the hard drive at regular intervals. At least then if the hard drive crashes, you still have access to the data that was stored. At that point, call a reputable hard drive recovery NYC service company and proceed from there. 

Why You Should Never Open a Hard Drive Data Recovery NYC

Why You Should Never Open a Hard Drive Data Recovery NYC

There is a natural tendency to fix things yourself when it is possible. The motivation to do so is not just the money you will save, but the satisfaction of knowing that you can take care of the issue without any assistance not needing data recovery NYC. However, there are certain things that you should never try to fix at home and one of them involves opening up the hard drive. 

Bottom line, removing the cover from a hard drive is about the worst thing you can do if your goal is to repair the issue. The complications from just removing the cover alone in a standard home environment are considerable even if you do not take any other steps. What follows are the reasons why you should leave hard drive repairs to the professionals of data recovery NYC


When you remove the cover of a hard drive, you are exposing the disc to the dust in the air. Even if you clean your home regularly, there are still a considerable number of dust particles that can settle on the exposed disk of the hard drive unit. Just the presence of dust alone on the disk may prevent it from being read properly which means the information may be trapped. 


Touching the platters is often worse than having dust settle on them. Touching means applying pressure, leaving behind dirt and oils from your fingers, or altering the way the platters sit inside the drive. In any event, touching the disk or platters is never good. 

Case Screws

Simply changing the torque settings of the case screws that hold the hard drive together may cause it not to operate properly. This is because the pressure that the case places on the unit itself may alter how the platters spin inside the unit. The result is that the computer itself may not even detect the hard drive at all depending on how much change has occurred. 

What Should You Do?

If you suspect that your hard drive is about to crash, the best course of action is to take the unit to a reputable computer repair center. The professionals at the center have the tools, equipment, and work in the proper environment to repair hard drives the right way. This means that they have rooms that are as free of dust as possible, use the right tools to open and close the hard drive correctly and minimize touching the platters to ensure that all the data is preserved. 

Of course, you should always back up the data stored on the hard drive either with a separate drive or using an online storage system. That way, in case the hard drive fails you still have access to the information. 

If your hard drive has crashed and you need the information pulled, then you should trust a qualified data recovery NYC center. By having the professionals retrieve your data, you stand the best chance of having it fully returned. While there are no guarantees that all data might be recovered, you can maximize your chances by going with the knowledgeable, experienced professionals.  

Data Recovery NYC

Data Recovery NYC

How Long Does Data Recovery Take?

When your computer of mobile device goes down, the first question you might have is how long will the data recovery take? It’s a question that has no simple answer because it depends on a number of factors. What can be said is that effective data recovery NYC residents and business owners want only comes from a professional company that has a sterling reputation for providing the best data recovery services.

The time it takes to recover the data from a damaged or compromised drive will depend on factors that include the following;

Size of Drive

The larger the hard drive, the longer it will take to recover the data that is trapped. This is because the recovery process often requires the cloning of a drive, so the information inside can be properly restored and moved to another storage system.

Also keep in mind the series or model of the hard drive, which may affect how fast the cloning process can take place. Different models have different speeds and other factors that go into how fast the recover process can occur.

Condition of the Hardware

Is the drive physically damaged or is it infected by a virus or malware? This is an important question and one that may not have an obvious answer. It’s possible that a physically damaged drive may be easier to recover the data compared to one infected with a virus or malware. However, if the drive itself is in good condition and the issue is the software, then it often takes less time.

Amount of Data

The more data you have stored, the longer it will take to retrieve. This relates in some ways to the size of the hard drive itself. However, a lot of data on a smaller drive may take more time than a little data on a large drive.

Operating System

The type of operating system or OS used will have an effect on how long the recovery operation will take place. This is because each OS has its own unique characteristics, so it may take longer to boot up or become fully operational compared to other systems. There are other factors as well, but generally speaking the type of OS involved will either add or subtract from the recovery time.


If your computer or device operates in hot or humid environmental conditions, then that may play a role in how long it takes to recover the trapped information.

Basically, there is no hard and fast rule when it comes to how long the data recovery NYC can take place. Given the different factors involved, the best way to reduce the time is to find the best professional data recovery service.

If you want the best data recovery NYC residents and business owners can trust, then take your computer or mobile device to the experts. The professionals who can retrieve the data and information from your damaged or compromised computer, mobile device, or digital storage unit have an excellent success rate all for low, affordable prices.

How Long Should Data Recovery NYC Take?

Data Recovery NYC

How Long Does Data Recovery Take?

When your computer of mobile device goes down, the first question you might have is how long will the data recovery take? It’s a question that has no simple answer because it depends on a number of factors. What can be said is that effective data recovery NYC residents and business owners want only comes from a professional company that has a sterling reputation for providing the best data recovery services.

The time it takes to recover the data from a damaged or compromised drive will depend on factors that include the following;

Size of Drive

The larger the hard drive, the longer it will take to recover the data that is trapped. This is because the recovery process often requires the cloning of a drive, so the information inside can be properly restored and moved to another storage system.

Also keep in mind the series or model of the hard drive, which may affect how fast the cloning process can take place. Different models have different speeds and other factors that go into how fast the data recovery NYC process can occur.

Condition of the Hardware

Is the drive physically damaged or is it infected by a virus or malware? This is an important question and one that may not have an obvious answer. It’s possible that a physically damaged drive may be easier to recover the data compared to one infected with a virus or malware. However, if the drive itself is in good condition and the issue is the software, then it often takes less time.

Amount of Data

The more data you have stored, the longer it will take to retrieve. This relates in some ways to the size of the hard drive itself. However, a lot of data on a smaller drive may take more time than a little data on a large drive.

Operating System

The type of operating system or OS used will have an effect on how long the recovery operation will take place. This is because each OS has its own unique characteristics, so it may take longer to boot up or become fully operational compared to other systems. There are other factors as well, but generally speaking, the type of OS involved will either add or subtract from the recovery time.


If your computer or device operates in hot or humid environmental conditions, then that may play a role in how long it takes to recover the trapped information.

Basically, there is no hard and fast rule when it comes to how long the data recovery can take place. Given the different factors involved, the best way to reduce the time is to find the best professional data recovery service.

If you want the best data recovery NYC residents and business owners can trust, then take your computer or mobile device to the experts. The professionals who can retrieve the data and information from your damaged or compromised computer, mobile device, or digital storage unit have an excellent success rate all for low, affordable prices.

RAID Recovery NYC, Not An Easy Job But Someones Got To Do It!

Raid Recovery NYC

Effective RAID recovery NYC residents and business owners trust starts with the right company that can do the job. The RAID is one of the most important systems in computers and provides for faster processing, greater speed, and reliability. But even with the advanced technology they can breakdown which means that professional support should be close by to handle such occurrences.

But what is a RAID and how does it work? Understanding the function of this system will help you better understand what happens when it breaks down, so you can take action quickly to resolve the issue.

What is RAID?

A Redundant Array of Independent or Inexpensive Disks (RAID), this is a number of disks that have been put together into a single element. This means that the disks, which may consist of hard drives or SSDs, are all run under a single controller. The purpose of a RAID is to increase the speed, processing, and protection of data which is stored.

There are different array levels and each of them have a specific purpose. But the built-in redundancy means that they RAID is resistant to failure. If one disk goes down, there are others that can take up the load and keep functioning until a repair or replacement is made.

Different Levels of RAID

Within the RAID system there are different levels depending on how many disks or SSDs may be involved. This not only affects performance, but also the ability to recover the data that may be trapped inside in case the system does become compromised.

RAID 0: Based on block data striping, it is the even distribution of data along the array itself. Because all the disks are reading and writing at the same time, it can speed up the data processing. However, if one disk fails, then you are most likely to lose any data which is being processed. RAID0 emphasizes speed over reliability.

RAID 1: This is when the information is copied or mirrored, thus the disks that are used are essentially copies of the other. The sacrifice is in speed compared to RAID 0 which utilizes all the disks in the processing effort. However, RAID 1 has a built-in redundancy which makes data recovery far more likely.

RAID 2: Same data striping technology, but divides the data used into bytes instead of blocks.

RAID3: Same as RAID 2 but uses a separate disk for any failure correction to the array itself. 

There is also RAID 4, RAID 5, RAID 6, and RAID 10 or Hybrid RAID which are variations and expansions of the standard RAID systems.

Damaged RAID Systems

Identifying a RAID system that is damaged or compromised consists of the following symptoms;

Array goes into Limited Mode, access of files still possible

Array is Not Active, Not Found, or even Off.

Bad recovery of RAID system which loses data 

A breakdown in RAID is similar to a hard drive crash. Such occurrences can happen due to physical damage, wear, or invasion by a virus. Effective RAID recovery NYC business owners and residents can trust is right around the corner. If your system suffers from a breakdown in the RAID system, be sure to call

Why is a Clean Room Needed for Data Recovery NYC?

Why is a Clean Room Needed for Data Recovery NYC?

When you are looking for the best data recovery NYC services, one area that you should research is companies that offer certified clean rooms. An environment clean of small particles is an essential part of data recovery as it helps prevent further damage to hard drive systems.

When a hard drive is damaged or compromised and the protective case opened for repair, the area where it is located must have air that is free of as many small particles as possible. When opened, the platters inside the hard drive can easily collect the dust, dirt, and debris from the air which damages the hard drive even further. This makes proper recovery of the data even more difficult to do.

Certified Clean Room

A room or area such as a work bench that has the proper safeguards which minimize air contamination in the area. This means that there are specific air filters being used, the temperature and humidity are kept at a pre-set level, and the personnel are properly protected with gowns and shoe coverings that limit the number of contaminants or particles that they carry inside.

For proper certification, a clean room must meet the following standards;

Less than 100 particles of 0.5 microns or larger per cubic foot of air space

50% Humidity

70 degrees F Temperature

Such rooms will carry an ISO Class 5 or Class 100 certification depending on the authority which conducts the inspection process. This means that for the best data recovery NYC residents and business owners can trust, this type of certification is needed.

Can You Create a Clean Room?

For those who want to open the hard drive themselves to repair the damage or retrieve the data, creating a clean room may seem like a good decision. Given the sheer number of do-it-yourself internet articles and advice on how to create a clean room, it may seem quite simple at first.

However, the truth is something different as creating a proper clean room or area good enough to protect an opened hard drive takes special filters and equipment. It’s not just about air filtration, but also the right temperature and humidity levels must be present as well.

This means that running the shower for 20 minutes might reduce the number of particles, but the humidity levels will be too high and probably the temperature as well. In addition, you will need the right filtration units designed to catch particles as small as 0.5 microns which are generally not found in retail stores. You will wind up spending a considerable amount of money to create a clean room that is not guaranteed to be clean.

Instead of relying on dubious internet articles to create a clean room, proper data recovery NYC business owners and residents use every day can be found with a professional data recovery company. This means that you get the best service that uses certified clean rooms to open hard drives, repair the damage, and retrieve the data.

6 Reasons Software Won’t Be Able to Recover Your Data

Data Recovery NYC

The best way to protect information stored on your computer is to back it up on another device. Even the best data recovery techniques and software are no guarantee that you will get your files, documents, images, video, or other information back if the device is damaged or compromised. This is because hard disk failure can happen at any time and often without warning.

What follows are six reasons why even the best data recovery software may not do you any good. Which is why you need the professionals at Data Recovery 47 to help when the worst happens. 


Many common errors may cause damage to your computer. From not installing the OS correctly to modifications in the settings of the system registry, an error in setup may cause a catastrophic failure of your computer. You will need to reboot your computer, identify the error, and make the proper changes.

2.Power Surge

Even with the proper protection, a power surge can damage your hard drive, cause startup failure, and have the system itself not recognize the disk. If you have the proper protection in place, rebooting your computer may work. Otherwise, it will need to be serviced by professionals.

3.Heat Buildup

Dust or debris building up in the vent can easily cause your computer to overheat. The heat itself can cause the disk to warp or crack which leads to a hard drive crash. Standard data recovery software does little good as the problem is a physical one. If you feel your computer heating up or hear clicking sounds, clean out the vent to ensure proper ventilation. Your fan may be malfunctioning as well, so have it checked out.

4.File Corruption

Computer viruses, programs that run too close together, or shutting down the PC the wrong way may cause the files to become corrupt. Such a shutdown may cause your hard drive to become inaccessible. This prevents many software data recovery systems from working to correct the problem. A battery backup will help prevent an improper shutdown along with security software to stop viruses from taking hold.

5.Mechanical Failure

Your computer has moving parts such as the hard drive itself. Anything goes wrong and the system will crash. You’ll see a black screen after it tries to boot, folders and files are no longer accessible, and the system itself will freeze up. The flawed or broken part need to be identified and replaced to restore your computer.

6.Manufacturer or Firmware Flaws

This condition most often happens with newer computers when the hard disk has not been properly tested. Because the flaw is present from the beginning, it usually does not take long before problems arise. The symptoms include the disk itself not being recognized by the system or the system failing to boot properly. The good news is that most warranties will cover such a flaw if you bring the computer in early.

Even the best data recovery software may not save the information trapped on your computer. So, be sure that you back up your information on other sources and use the professional team at data recovery 47 to get back your valuable information.

The Dangers Of Dropping Your External Hard Drive.

The Dangers Of Dropping Your External Hard Drive.

There are so many factors that could be responsible for the damage caused to your external hard drive, and a hard impact to the  hard drive is one widespread cause that sits snugly at the top of that list.

With the external hard drive as with any other kind of device generally, any form of high impact contact with the floor or any other hard surfaces could result in dire consequences in which you would need data recovery.

When you drop your external hard drive, the most common resulting problem is usually the loss of data stored on the said hard drive.  The external hard drives we use today isn’t as prone to damage when dropped like its pioneers, but any kind of fall or impact contact could do quite the damage.

What to do when you lose external hard drive data from a fall

When you discover that you have lost data that was stored on your external hard drive after it must have fallen on the floor, the chances of getting back said lost data is usually a gamble and hence, you must take a few steps to try to work the data recovery process.

Before we get into the steps to take after losing data in this manner, it is essential to note that the data recovery process for a hard drive varies from situation to situation.

The first step to take is to:

Identify what the actual cause of the hard drive data loss was.

Like stated above, being able to recover your lost data depends on how you lost it in the first place and hence, you should relax and try to figure that out.

Did the data loss occur after that fall?

Did it happen after a power surge?

Did you delete said data in error?

Did it fall in water or did water get into it when you were out in the rain with the external hard drive in your backpack?

There are so many ways in which you could have lost that data, and it is crucial that you figure that out first.

Stay away from the internet!

I know I know, it has happened with the best of us. Turning to the internet how-tos for answers when something goes wrong with our devices is no new tale but trust me when I say that trying to do it yourself would just make it worse!

It doesn’t matter what genius said what, but you cannot work a hard drive data recovery process correctly if you aren’t a professional.

Whatever you do, do not try to recover the data yourself. Trying to do absolutely anything in regards to the data recovery process could ultimately result in a permanent loss of your data.

Data recovery software is a no no

Just like how doing it yourself following internet how-tos are a bad idea; employing the use of a data recovery software isn’t a great route to go either.

True that some data recovery software could do the data recovery trick, but it is only a true professional who has in-depth knowledge and experience on the situation who can genuinely solve your data recovery problem.

Also like with the doing it yourself method, trying to use a data recovery software could make the damage worse and have your data lost forever.

Get in touch with a professional

Only a true data recovery expert can help you out when you lose external hard drive data after said hard drive falls or through any other situation.

When it comes to data recovery, it isn’t always 100% possible, and it is also a very complicated process. Despite the complicated nature of a typical data recovery process, it really is possible to do.

Getting in touch with a competent data recovery expert is your best bet at fixing the situation, but then again, you need to note that there are a lot of fake data recovery experts all over the place, and these sets of individuals could just make things worse for you.

When looking to find an adequate data recovery expert, it is vital to consider their business reviews and ensure that said data recovery expert is in your town so you can meet with them in person just in case anything goes wrong.

One of the most highly recommended and renowned data recovery experts is Data Recovery 47. Not only do they do an excellent job at helping you out with your data recovery issues, but they also carry you along throughout the work process.

You can rest easy as your external hard drive is secure with them. Their knowledge of data recovery is unmatched by any other company and their reviews and testimonials are the hard proof!So dont take our word, take our clients words!

How Data Encryption Can Effect Your Data Recovery Efforts

How Data Encryption Can Effect Your Data Recovery Efforts

Data recovery naturally is quite complicated and even with the best minds working it, data recovery, isn’t always possible and data encryption makes it worse.

The fascination with data encryption today is quite understandable as there are so many people up to no good and hell-bent on gaining access to your confidential information.

As great as data encryption is, you should consider not encrypting all your data. High risk and sensitive data definitely, but with everything else, it isn’t really necessary.

Typically, when the loss of encrypted data occurs probably due to damage to your device or something, the data recovery process is known to be near impossible.

Data encryption generally converts you encrypted data into code that is only retrievable if you have appropriate access like with a password or code.

Let us say your hard drive gets damaged and you lose data because the key file that was used to create the encryption and its password is now destroyed, recovering your data becomes near impossible

If your hard drive is self-encrypting and decrypting, you face the same problem. If said specialized hard drive gets damaged, it would be impossible to recover lost data

Especially when using self-encrypted devices, you are advised to consider the below options to ensure that you do not lose your data permanently:

Backing up all your relevant data as regularly as possible. With this, you would not require a data recovery process in the first place. This is the easiest and safest way to keep your data safe

Ensuring that you have a copy of your key file saved somewhere secure. You can always fall back to this when your device gets damaged to make the data recovery process easier as it could be impossible in most cases.

Considering using an actual encryption software rather than a self-encrypting device. It is easier to work data recovery when the encryption was done with software that when it was done with a self-encrypting device.

Keep copies of all critical usernames and passwords. Like with having a backup copy of your data and a copy of your key file; this makes the process way easier.

As always, no matter what the reason is for your data loss or if you employed encryption or not, engaging the services of a data recovery expertise is your best bet at successfully recovering all your lost data

We at Data Recovery 47 are experts at recovering encrypted data and are at your service to help you out the best way we can.